Increased Scrutiny of CCP Membership and Its Impact on Green Card Applicants

Feb 7, 2025 | Investor Visas

By: Joseph Barnett

Donald Trump ran his presidential campaign on a platform of changing our immigration system and has been clear in his goal to use all immigration tools and options to limit immigration – both legal and illegal – into the U.S.  He has also been adamant about barring “communists” and “Marxists” from entering the country.  The inadmissibility ground for membership in or affiliation with the Communist or any other totalitarian party, INA 212(a)(3)(D), is part of a broader set of laws passed by Congress to address threats to the safety and security of the United States.  We are therefore likely to see an increased scrutiny related to membership in the Chinese Communist Party in adjustment of status adjudications by USCIS, immigrant visa interviews at U.S. consulates abroad, and during naturalizations in 2025.

WR has written on this topic extensive and has helped numerous former Chinese Communist Party members obtain green card status.

WR Immigration is a full-service immigration law firm known worldwide for its unmatched excellence in providing top-quality U.S. immigration representation. To schedule a consultation to discuss your case, please contact us here.

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