Data Security: Tips for How HR Managers Can Keep Company Data Safe

Aug 19, 2021 | Human Resources Services

Businesses of all sizes are under constant threat from cybercriminals and malicious software.  None, not even the world’s largest and apparently impenetrable organizations is immune, as recent headlines are rife with the latest victims of cyberattacks. On top of that, an increasingly remote workforce has multiplied data security threats – what are some ways that companies have adapted?

WR Immigration is in a unique position in that we must care for the sensitive immigration information that our clients entrust to us while also advising our clients on data security strategies.

Here are a few of the best strategies that we have seen employed:

Watch out for Remote Work

Remote work tools are rife with danger. Due to their portable nature, mobile devices, including laptops, tablets and smartphones, are at a much higher risk of getting lost or stolen. First, all employees must work exclusively on company devices. Second, those devices must be secured. When securing any business mobile devices that employees use, HR managers need to think about identity and access, data encryption, and application security. Enforcing a strict password policy and having a contingency plan in place in the event that any such devices go missing are good initial steps.

Find Secure Data Storage Solutions

Data storage needs are increasing exponentially, but there are many secure, cloud-based (which is crucial for remote work) options rising to meet this need. Look for services that provide seamless access for the entire team while providing “Zero Knowledge Encryption,” meaning that no one, not even the service provider, can access your secure data. Also be on the lookout for added features such as two-factor authentication, enhanced transfer speed, and TLS protocol.

HR, Meet IT

Finally, the volatility of the current work environment behooves HR managers to work hand-in-glove with IT departments in efforts to secure their company at large. This can be intimidating at first, but many companies have adapted by creating IT-centric HR positions to serve as a bridge between the two departments. For companies without the resources for something like this, HR managers will need to work to build strong relationships with IT to stay on top of current threats.

For more quick tips on safeguarding data, catch WR Immigration’s WRapid™ Program Manager, Crystal Williams, as she is a featured speaker at Salesforce’s upcoming webinar on data security. Register now!

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