THE PHILIPPINES: Covid-19 Update

Apr 15, 2020 | Global


  • The country’s main island of Luzon has been in lockdown since March 16.  The original lockdown was set to expired April 12, but has been extended to April 30 11:59 PM.  Under “enhanced community quarantine,” each household must designate a family member who will bear a “quarantine pass” that allows them to buy food and medicine.
  • On February 2, 2020, President Rodrigo Duterte issued a temporary travel ban on visitors from China, Hong Kong, and Macau to curb the spread of the coronavirus.
  • Local governments have started distributing food packages to poor households while the Philippine Congress is drafting a stimulus proposal.


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SAUDI ARABIA: Update on Suspension of Work Visit Visas

At A Glance

Saudi Arabia is expected to introduce a new temporary work visa in the coming months, following the elimination of the country’s only short-term work authorization option in October.

Details of the new visa have not been released. Until the new visa becomes available, there will not be an immigration option for foreign nationals seeking to work short-term in Saudi Arabia. At this time, foreign nationals seeking to work in Saudi Arabia are advised to obtain a standard Work Visa, which requires a formal long-term employment relationship with a sponsoring company in Saudi Arabia, or to consider traveling with a Business Visa, which does not allow “hands-on” work.

We are discussing the impact of the change and potential solutions for short-term work with Saudi consular authorities and relevant ministries and will issue an update if new information becomes available.