OFLC Posts ‘Unofficial’ Form ETA-9089 Preview Copy

May 1, 2023 | Immigration Updates

After the Department of Labor’s Office of Foreign Labor Certification (OFLC) announced on April 21, 2023, that it will begin accepting the revised Form ETA-9089, Application for Permanent Employment Certification, in the Foreign Labor Application Gateway (FLAG) system on May 16, 2023, OFLC posted an “unofficial watermarked preview copy” of the form “to allow stakeholders to become familiar with changes to the form.” 

OFLC will no longer accept any new applications submitted via the legacy PERM Online System after May 15, 2023, at 6:59 pm ET. OFLC also will no longer accept the previous version of Form ETA-9089 after May 15, 2023, either electronically or by mail. 

OFLC said that the preview copy of the form and appendices are for informational purposes only. “These versions of the form and appendices may not be submitted to OFLC at any time; any submission to OFLC using these forms will be rejected.” OFLC said it will post on its Forms page (https://www.dol.gov/agencies/eta/foreign-labor/forms) the official, fillable PDF versions of the Form ETA-9089 and its appendices on May 16, 2023. 


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