Now Available On Demand | Online Webinar | Critical Immigration and Tax Issues for Start-Ups from Founding through IPO

Jan 13, 2021 | Announcements


Critical Immigration and Tax Issues for Start-Ups from Founding through IPO

Presented by WR Immigration and DLA Piper Global Law Firm, Part 1 of this webinar series provides essential information and guidance to start-ups on immigration and tax challenges. 
Topics:  Immigration
  • Work visa and green card options for entrepreneurs and investors from early stages through an exit
  • Employer considerations when hiring foreign nationals to work for start-ups
  • Current state of limitations on work visas and green card programs, and upcoming changes
  • Biden Administration policy considerations for start-ups​​​​​​
U.S. Tax Considerations for Internationally Expanding Companies
  • Structure considerations related to U.S. investment/financing
  • Overview of U.S. corporate income tax system for U.S. companies expanding abroad
  • Critical tax issues when hiring (i) employees located outside the U.S. and (ii) mobile employees
  • Documenting tax structure and transfer pricing

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