Italy: Residence Permit Updates and Travel Restrictions on UK Citizens Entering Italy

Feb 19, 2021 | Global

Residence Permit Validity Extended

By Law Decree no. 2 of December 14, 2020, the validity of residence permits has been extended to April 30, 2021. The decree also extends the validity of Nulla Osta (police entry clearances for family reasons, work permits) for the same period and the terms for conversion of study permits into work permits.

New Residence Permit Requirement for British Citizens in Italy

As of January 1, 2021, British citizens and their family members residing in Italy must apply for a residence permit in electronic format at the police headquarters (Questura) having jurisdiction over their place of residence in Italy.

The new document will indicate that it is issued on the basis of the Withdrawal Agreement (under Brexit) and will allow the holder to exercise the rights recognized by the Agreement. The document will be valid for 5 years (or 10 years if the applicant has acquired the right of permanent residence after 5 years of legal and continuous stay). To apply for the document, applicants should book an appointment with the relevant police office and submit the Attestazione di iscrizione Anagrafica previously obtained from the City Council of the place of residence.

Travel Restrictions on UK Citizens Entering Italy

Meanwhile, as of press time, Italy has banned travel from the United Kingdom (UK) in response to the spread of a new mutant strain of COVID-19. Until March 5, 2021, entry into Italy from the UK is permitted only for those with official residence or those with absolute necessity, which must be declared in writing. Also, those wishing to fly must present the airline with a negative COVID-19 rapid antigenic or molecular swab test taken within 72 hours before entry into Italy. Another such test is required within 48 hours of entering Italy. Those arriving by air will take this test at the airport. Those arriving in Italy from the UK must also report to their local health authorities on arrival and self-isolate for 14 days.


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