IRELAND: Minimum Wage to Increase

Dec 20, 2019 | Global

Effective February 1, 2020, the national minimum hourly salary will increase to EUR 10.10, up 3.06 percent from last year. For a 40-hour work week, this equals approximately EUR 404 per week/ EUR 21,008 per year.

What Does this Mean?

  • Existing, initial and renewal applications. Employers of foreign nationals currently on their payroll, and of those seeking to obtain or renew a work permit on or after February 1, 2020 must increase their foreign nationals’ minimum salaries, if necessary, to comply with the new rule.
  • Pending applications. Employers of foreign nationals with pending work permit applications as of February 1, 2020 must increase their foreign nationals’ minimum salaries, if necessary to comply with the new rule.
  • Immigration applications that do not meet the minimum wage will be rejected.

Most work authorization categories in Ireland require a minimum salary that is significantly higher than the national minimum wage. Therefore, practically, this change affects only specific work authorization categories that allow the Irish minimum wage, such as the following:

  • Internship Employment Permit and Atypical Working Scheme Authorization; and
  • Intra-Company Transfer and Contract for Services employment permits, where the employee’s home country salary requires an additional monetary amount (known as a top up) to reach the minimum wage level.


Ireland instituted a minimum wage in 2000 for adult employees over the age of 18 with at least two years of previous employment experience. The minimum wage has increased steadily since then (the last time it was increased was in January 2019), and is considered to be on the high end as compared to the 19 other EU countries with a national minimum wage.

The minimum wage is projected to increase again in January 2021.

Our Advice

Employers who have questions should contact a Wolfsdorf Rosenthal immigration attorney or email the WR Global Immigration team at for case specific advise.

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