Entry to Russia: 14-Day Quarantine or Testing Requirements

Sep 23, 2020 | Global

Beginning on July 15, 2020, foreign citizens and those crossing the Russian border on a regular flight, and entering Russia with any purpose except work, must present documentation of a negative COVID-19 test in Russian or English: (1) The document should confirm a negative result for laboratory analysis of COVID-19 infection by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The test for infection should be done not earlier than three calendar days before entering Russia. (2) Or, instead of the PCR test, the traveler can submit a document confirming the existence of antibodies of immunoglobulin G (IgG). If the traveler does not have such a document, he or she must pass the test within three calendar days of entering Russia. In case of a positive result, a person will have to self-isolate with no contact (quarantine) until a negative test is received.

Similar requirements apply to Russian citizens.

The entry of foreign citizens is still limited, and only special categories of foreign citizens can enter. Issuance of invitation letters and visas has not yet returned to normal.

Persons (Russian citizens as well as foreigners) returning to Russia on flights organized by the Russian government must quarantine for 14 calendar days from the date of entry.

At the moment, legislation does not require such persons to pass a COVID-19 test or provide evidence of antibodies. However, since there are no precise and clear regulations on this and due to the broad availability of tests, some practitioners recommend taking the test.

Foreign citizens entering Russia with the purpose of work must quarantine for 14 calendar days from the date of entry to Russia regardless of whether they have a negative COVID-19 test or antibodies to the virus. It is recommended that employers arrange for testing of employees anyway.

The above applies not only to workers entering with newly issued work visas (or entering visa-free), but also to those returning with long-term visas issued earlier that are still valid.

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