Over the last few months, countries around the world have re-opened their doors to routine business travel and tourism, signaling the resumption of economic activity near pre-pandemic levels. Yet, the mobility landscape remains radically changed by the Covid-19 pandemic and continues to require knowledge of a complex web of travel requirements and special considerations. WR Immigration invites global mobility professions to watch our video which provides a brief introduction to mobility trends this summer as well as tips to navigate the changing landscape. Our global immigration team also encourages global mobility professionals to consider 5 key takeaways as they shift their mobility plans into gear: No longer “mobility by exception.” Global mobility professionals are ramping up for sizeable travel this summer after numerous countries have opened their doors to business travel and tourism. Even Hong Kong, which limited entry to residents for nearly two years, is now a potential destination for international business travelers and tourists. The shift suggests that companies may be able to restore business travel and mobility at scale this year. This trend stands in stark contrast with the broad travel bans and extensive entry restrictions that characterized the mobility landscapes in 2020 and 2021. Quarantines and […]