Colombian Nationality for Venezuelan Minors
In accordance with the provisions of article 96 of the Colombian Constitution, nationals by birth are nationals of Colombia when the father or mother was a Colombian citizen or national or, being the child of foreign nationals, one of their parents was domiciled in Colombia at the time of birth. Likewise, children of Colombian parents who were born abroad and then live in Colombia or are registered at a consulate are nationals of Colombia.
Notifications of Foreigners in RUTEC and SIRE
SIRE and RUTEC gather certain information to control the foreign population. However, there are certain differences between them, among others, such as: (1) the entities in charge of each of the registration systems; and (2) RUTEC going beyond the notification of hiring or contract termination of foreign workers, since labor migration policy will be constructed at least in part based on the information collected. SIRE and RUTEC are not exclusive, which is why the registration of information in both systems must be complied with, under penalty of sanctions.
Orange Economy and Migration
The “orange economy” is a term that has become popular in Colombia in recent years. The idea is to develop, through the creation, production, and distribution of goods and services, technological, artistic, cultural, and creative content to generate wealth by progressively participating in the GDP. Although the government’s drive is from a national perspective, there is significant leverage for the development of this economy by various foreign agents. It is for this reason that the migratory field becomes relevant in this aspect, since musicians, actors, producers, and sportspeople, among others, will have to take into account the existing Colombian permits or visas with a view to entering and staying in Colombia legally.
Degree Validation Process Update
To increase the speed and efficiency of the process of legalization of degrees for use abroad, validation of foreign degrees, and qualified registration, the Ministry of National Education issued on October 9, 2019, Resolution 010687, which establishes and/or modifies the requirements and processing times, taking into account the increasing migration of foreign professionals as well as the return of Colombians who have studied abroad.
Reform of Entry and Residence Permits
Resolution 3167 of 2019, issued by Migración Colombia, establishes new guidelines for the entry, stay, and departure of Colombian nationals and foreigners from the national territory. This new resolution reorganizes the entry and stay permits (PIP) in three categories, which allows foreigners of unrestricted nationalities to enter the country for short periods without the intention of establishing a domicile or profiting. The length of stay of PIPs varies according to each category.