WR Immigration Shortlisted for Chambers Diversity & Inclusion Awards

May 5, 2022 | Announcements

Chambers and Partners has announced its nominations for the North American Diversity & Inclusion Awards and WR Immigration is proud to announce that we have been nominated!

Managing Partner Bernie Wolfsdorf is in the running for Pro Bono: Lawyer of the Year while WR Immigration has been nominated for Pro Bono: Outstanding Firm. We are honored to partake in these nominations and share them as a reflection of the effort and compassion that is put into our work on a daily basis.

Despite the magnitude of the responsibilities he shoulders daily, Bernie routinely works late into the night and every weekend helping those in need. When the Ukrainian humanitarian crises formed at the outset of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Bernie again immediately responded with his trademark compassion. Spearheading the allocation of firm resources, he oversaw the creation of a Ukrainian Resource page for HR professionals and refugees. Inspired by his work, the entire WR Immigration team joins Chambers in recognizing Bernie’s efforts, which are now culminating in a Pro Bono: Lawyer of the Year nomination.

WR Immigration cares about the firm’s role in the communities we serve. The firm has a strong history of pro bono work. A perfect example of this mindset in action is our attorneys’ response to the Afghan humanitarian crises that arose after the United States withdrew from Afghanistan. WR Immigration responded by working tirelessly on numerous Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs) and helping with humanitarian parole applications, as well as advising on other visa options. Managing partner Bernie Wolfsdorf coordinated the exit of a large group and helped as many individuals as possible. In 2016, we launched WR Immigration Gives Back to extend service opportunities to everyone, including our legal support and professional staff. The firm will continue to dedicate resources to making our communities better.

The recipients will be awarded on June 9th, 2022, and a strong contingent of the WR Immigration team will be in attendance to show support for the important work of each and every nominee.

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