CANADA: Québec Attestation Requirements

Feb 4, 2020 | Global

Summary: Québec attestations are now required for permanent immigrant applicants. The Québec government says knowledge of the values it reflects is essential to an immigrant’s integration into the province. The five key principals underlying the attestation are as follows:

    1. Québec is a French-speaking society

    2. Québec is a democratic society

    3. Equality between women and men

    4. Rights and responsibilities of all Québecers

    5. Québec is a secular society

Attestation Requirements: Effective January 1, 2020, all permanent immigrant applicants under an economic program to the province of Québec (except children under 18) must provide the Québec immigration department with an “attestation of learning about democratic values and the Québec values expressed by the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms.”

Options for Obtaining the Attestation:

    • Complete a 24-hour integration course; or

    • Pass an online test of 20 questions (the pass rate is 75%).

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