CANADA: More Stringent Requirements for Quebec Immigration Programs

Nov 4, 2019 | Global

The Ministry of Immigration Francisation and Integration (MIFI) has announced more stringent requirements for applicants under the Quebec Experience Program and the Quebec Skilled Worker Program.

Quebec Experience Program

Changes effective January 1, 2020 include more limited options for proving French language ability and a requirement that a spouse or unmarried partner sponsored by the main applicant prove an advanced level of spoken French. 

These new requirements will apply to all applications filed after, or still pending as of, January 1, 2020. 

Quebec Skilled Worker Program

This is now a points-based program under which applicants earn points for their age, education in Quebec and elsewhere, work experience and French language skills, among other categories. 

Also, Quebec Selection Certificates (CSQs) issued under this program will now be granted based on the score in points, among other factors. A CSQ, issued by MIFI, is applied for before applying for permanent residency in Quebec and grants the recipient permission to apply for permanent residency at the federal level.

Should you have any questions, please contact a Wolfsdorf Rosenthal immigration attorney or email

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